Rođena sam u okolini Lajpciga, u Istočnoj Nemačkoj.
Pre no što je Zid pao, radila sam kao medicinska sestra i izučavala različite religije. Nisam bila u prilici da izučavam ono što me je stvarno zanimalo, niti da radim u oblasti u kojoj sam mogla da nesputano maštam.
Od kada sam bila dete, uvek sam osećala zid – zid od kamena i zid koji je sputavao slobodu misli.
Ali onda je 1989. godine Zid pao…
i ja sam došla u situaciju da ostvarim svoje snove… da radim ono što me je zanimalo u to vreme – i počela sam da radim u pozorištu.
Od 1989. godine radila sam u mnogim pozorištima i filmskim produkcijskim kućama, nemačkim i međunarodnim, uglavnom na kastingu i bila član produkcijskog tima.
Godine 2010. prošla sam kroz period u kome sam izgubila jezik – u smislu da nisam mogla da govorim zbog bolesti.
U tom vremenu fotoaparat je postao moj prevodilac. Počela sam da hodam mojim gradom, Berlinom, primajući sve doživljaje i susrete sa ljudima, mesta… očima. Fotografije su postale prevodilac mojih unutrašnjih misli.
Počevši u Berlinu, moje šetnje su postojale duže… počela sam da putujem da bih upoznala svet, da bi se susrela sa kulturama, i različitim ljudima, da bi uspostavila dijalog između njih i sebe.
Fotografija je postala moja strast.
Od tog trenutka, uvek nastojim da uspostavim dijalog između različitih kultura, među ljudima koristeći jezik pokreta, praćen upućivanjem naših izgovorenih reči, deljenjem napih misli.
Fotografija je moj jezik pokreta
podučavajući nemačkom izbeglice u Berlinu – vodeći dijaloge
moj posao na filmu – moj umetnički rad – kao kombinacija toga svega
kad me neko pita koja je moja profesija, ja odgovaram da
moja profesija je dijalog
I was born near Leipzig, East Germany.
Before the wall came down, I was working as nurse and studying the different religions. I was not able to study my passion, to be able to work in an area in which I could create my dreams.
Since a child I always was feeling the wall – the wall of stone and the wall, breaking the freedom in thoughts.
But than in 1989 the wall came down…
and I was free to enter my dreams.. to do what was my passion at that time, I started to work in theatre.
Since 1989 I was working for many theatre companies and film and movie productions.
I was working in many German productions but also working on international cinema productions, mainly doing castings and being part of the production department.
In 2010 I had a time in which I lost my language – in the sense of I was not able to speak, because of illness.
In that time the camera became my translator. I started to walk through my city, Berlin taking all the moments of meeting people, places… through my eyes. The photos became the translation of my inner thoughts.
Starting in Berlin my walks became longer… starting to travel to meet the world, to meet cultures, to meet people, creating a dialog between them and myself.
Photography became my passion.
Since them I am always trying to create a dialogue between different cultures, between people through the visual language, followed by sharing our spoken words, sharing our thoughts.
Photography as my visual language
teaching German for refugees in Berlin – creating a spoken dialogue
my movie work – my art work – as a combining all together
when you ask me about my profession:
My profession is dialogue