Hodam ulicama Pariza kako bih ovekovečila duh grada, njegove ulice i raspoloženje ljudi koje srećem. Volim da fotografišem ono što me okružuje i uvek tragam za nečim što me pokreće. U trenutku kada škljocnem, uvek osetim da je to susret onoga što vidim i kako se osećam. Fascinirana sam različitošću Pariza i mnogobrojnim etničkim grupama koje ga nastanjuju. Proučavam te velike razlike bez ikakve osude i sa željom da razvijam taj osećaj da je interkulturalnost bogatstvo. Trudim se da to bogatstvo različitosti predstavim kroz svoj objektiv. Kao fotografkinja, zapravo tragam za humanošću koja mi omogućava da pronađem poeziju oko sebe. Inspiriše me filozofija i poezija Fridriha Holderlina.
I walk down the streets of Paris to capture the spirit of the city, its streets and the mood of the people I come across. I like taking photos of my surroundings and I always look for something that inspires me. At the very moment of taking a photo, I always feel that it is an encounter of what I see and how I am feeling. I am fascinated by the diversity of Paris and various ethnic groups that live there. I observe these great differences without any prejudice and with the desire to develop the feeling that interculturality is a fortune. I try to represent it through my camera. As a photographer, I actually search for the humanity which allows me to find poetry around me. I am inspired by the philosophy and poetry of Friedrich Holderlin.