Moje ime je Johana Salenfalk, ja živim u Gotenburgu u Švedskoj. Od kad znam za sebe, interesujem se za umetnost i pogotovo za fotografiju. Fasciniraju me ljudi, njihovi izrazi, njihov govor tela, kad ne primećuju da ih neko posmatra. Priče koje njihova lica pričaju su intrigantne. Sve moje fotografije su spontane i uslikane ajfonom. Izazovno je napraviti dobre fotografije telefonom. Moram da se približim svojoj „meti” i to moram da uradim oprezno kako ne bih bila primećena.
Vidim da ljudi imaju različite poze, izraze i govor tela kada nisu svesni da ih neko posmatra, naspram situacija kada su toga svesni. „Uhvatiti” ljude na fotografijama kada nisu svesni i kada ne poziraju, za mene je to prelepo. Ljudi su najlepši kada su samo ono što jesu.
Iskrenost na fotografiji je ono što mi se dopada. Ono što je, pak, izazovno, to je da obradim fotografiju onako kako je ja vidim. Lepota ili ružnoća, sve je to u oku posmatrača. Kao fotografkinji mi je teško da obradim fotografiju tako da učinim da drugi ljudi vide šta ja vidim.
My name is Johanna Salenfalk and I live in Gothenburg Sweden. Ever since I can remember I’ve been interested in art and photography in special. People and their expressions, their body language- when they are unaware that someone is watching them fascinates me. The story their faces tell is intriguing. All my photography is candid and snapped with my iPhone. It’s quite challenging to get good pictures with just a phone. You have to get close to your subject and then you have to work hard not to get detected.
I see that people have different poses, expressions, body language when they are unaware that they are being studied in opposite to when they are aware. To catch people in photographs when they are unaware and not posing is for me a beautiful thing. People are most beautiful when they are just themselves.
There is a honesty about photography that I like. Challenging though is to edit the picture as I see it. Beauty or ugly, it’s all in the eye of the beholder. As a photographer it’s difficult to edit the image in a way that makes other people see what you see.