Sanjao sam da sam Rembrant. San je bio toliko snažan i stvaran da sam narednih dana bio opsednut ponovnim stvaranjem atmosfere koja je prisutna u radovima ovog poznatog umetnika. Naposletku, tokom jednog italijanskog odmora, „Sanjajući Rembranta” je stvoren iz zabave i strasti. Iz saradnje sa prijateljicom, dizajnerkom kostima Vivianom Ginebri, i korišćenjem pre svega jedinstvenih likova kao modela, s poniznošću sam stvorio atmosferu prisutnu na slikama ovog velikog umetnika. To je miks istorijskog i modernog. To je istovremeno i jedan korak nazad u prošlosti dok je druga noga stoji čvrsto u sadašnjosti.
I dreamt of being Rembrandt. The dream was so vivid and real that for the following days I became obsessed with re-creating the atmosphere present in the works of that famous artist. Finally, during an Italian vacation, ”Dreaming Rembrandt” was born out of fun and passion. With the cooperation of a friend, costume designer Viviana Ginebri, and using a cast of rather unique characters as models, I built with humility the atmosphere of the great master’s paintings. A mix of the historical and the modern. A step back in time with one foot firmly in the present.
Fabrizio Alessi je rođen u Italiji. Studirao je fotografiju na Evropskom institutu za fotografiju i dizajn u Rimu. Radi kao frilenser u agencijama širom sveta. Zanimaju ga različite kulture i tradicije, a njegova radoznalost ga vodi ka intimnijem i dubljem pogledu u živote ljudi koje sreće na putovanjima. On traga za onim što se nalazi iza očiju onih ljudi koje fotografiše na ulici koja vrvi od plejade likova koji posmatraču daju nagoveštaje, tragove priče sadržane u tome, beležeći sve te utiske i dajući rezultat koji je sirov, neutoljiv i ličan, a opet zajednički. Izlagao je u Rimu, Parizu, Njujorku i Džakarti. Trenutno živi na Baliju, u Indoneziji.
Fabrizio Alessi was born in Italy, studied photography at the IED (istituto Europeo di Fotografia e Disegn) in Rome. He works as freelance in various agencies around the world. He is interested in cultures and traditions, and his curiosity leads him to look deeply into the lives of people that he meets on his travels. He searches behind the eyes of the people that he photographs on the street, teeming with a cast of characters that present to the viewer hints, traces of the story contained therein ,capturing all of this with an outcome that is raw, hungry, personal and yet common place. Has exhibited in Rome, Paris, New York and Jakarta. Currently lives and work in Bali, Indonesia.